The Lost 'Upcoming Releases' Episode - Eddie's Not Well Edition

Hello Bucket Listeners!

As you've probably figured out from the title, Eddie wasn't well last week and we were unable to record anything.

Fortunately we had an episode recorded that we planned on binning, as it was time-sensitive and it didn't get edited as quickly as we wanted it to be... so here it is!

In this one we DON'T talk about any of the games on the list, and instead discuss what is set to be released on the run up to Christmas (with many of them already being available to buy at this point.)

Normal service will be resumed next week, and Eddie has asked us to point out that he isn't as ill as the Episode Artwork belies, it was just a bad case of the flu and he's all better now!

Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • ZomBev
  • Harry Flynn
  • RicFlair
  • lee jones
  • thesweatyllama
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Creators and Guests

Having been friends since college, when Jay revealed plans for what would later become BLG, Eddie jumped at the chance to be involved. Eddie has been a gamer for as long as anyone can remember, citing The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask as his favourite of all time.
Coming from a writing background, having spent over a decade running WWEBlog, Jay decided it was time to go in a different direction. That direction was gaming and thus the Bucket List Gamers (and Bucket List Board Gamers) were born!
The Lost 'Upcoming Releases' Episode - Eddie's Not Well Edition
Broadcast by